Watch Donations To Your School Soar

An Easy School Fundraising Idea that is Educational, Challenging and Fun
Directory App That Makes School Fundraising Easy
- View and search directory contacts by family, student, teacher, staff and classroom
- Send and receive alerts for any calendar event or school activity
- Allow families to purchase membership, lunches, spirit wear or any other item your school sells
- Enable volunteering for calendar events
- Easily accept donations with the tap of a single button
Donors Get Premium App Features That Are Fun and Interactive
- Anyone that makes a donation to your school will receive premium app features
- These fundraising features are interactive, educational, challenging and fun
Create a Buzz In Your School That Will Keep Bringing In More Donations
- Students will be talking about it at school
- Parents will participate because they want to
- Teachers will creatively contribute to student learning
- Staff members will want to be part of the fun
- A truly enjoyable and illuminating environment will permeate all year long
Watch Donations Soar

When parents tap this button on the app they can easily make a donation to your school. After making the donation, a suite of fun app features will become available to them.
Make Donations Appealing
Give Donors Something They Will Enjoy
Create a Buzz That Will Lead To More Donations
Learn More
Did You Know
Our fundraising program is
1. Educational
2. Challenging
3. Fun
4. For parents, teachers and students
5. Web and mobile enabled
6. Run by our staff
7. Going to surprise you

Find out how our Bells and Whistles Fundraising Program will raise more funds for your school than you might think. Be sure to Contact us.

When parents tap this button on the app they can easily make a donation to your school. After making the donation, a suite of fun app features will become available to them.
Make Donations Appealing
Give Donors Something They Will Enjoy
Create a Buzz That Will Lead To More Donations
Learn More
Did You Know
Our fundraising program is
1. Educational
2. Challenging
3. Fun
4. For parents, teachers and students
5. Web and mobile enabled
6. Run by our staff
7. Going to surprise you

Find out how our Bells and Whistles Fundraising Program will raise more funds for your school than you might think. Be sure to Contact us.